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Many Faces of Domestic Violence: A Women’s Guide from Trauma to Triumph


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Don’t be blinded by Love… Studies show every 9 seconds in the United States, a woman is assaulted or beaten. The adverse effects of domestic violence far outweigh that of physical bruises and scars. The emotional ramifications of abuse are equally detrimental and perilous. Countless victims are suffering in silence as a result of fear and shame. It is time to unveil the hidden, ugly truths of this prevalent societal issue plaguing countless women all over the globe. Domestic violence doesn’t discriminate. It can often be the harsh reality for corporate leaders, church dignitaries, celebrities, and/ or the girl next door. ‘Faces’ empowers women from all cultural spectrums to break deep-rooted patterns of shame, fear and isolation. This poignant book identifies various types of domestic abuse and encourages its reader to own her power, take back her freedom, and give herself permission to live and love again! This book will help the reader to: – Conquer Fear – Embrace Freedom – Stand in God-Given Authority – Find inner peace – Fall in love with ‘self’ again The ‘Many Faces of Domestic Violence’ is a call to action. You have the power to conquer, embrace, and stand in the wake of adversity! This book is filled with real-life stories that prove there is abundant life after abuse. ‘Faces’ empowers victims of domestic violence to embark upon the journey of self-discovery by embracing their personal truths.

Author: Durricks, Sheri

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 1517741955
Language: English
Pages: 184

Additional information

Weight 0.48 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.39 in


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