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Mindful Workplace: Developing Resilient Individuals and Resonant Organizations with MBSR



This book offers a practical and theoretical guide to the benefits of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in the workplace, describing the latest neuroscience research into the effects of mindfulness training and detailing an eight-week mindfulness training course.

  • Provides techniques which allow people in organizations to listen more attentively, communicate more clearly, manage stress and foster strong relationships
  • Includes a complete eight-week mindfulness training course, specifically customized for workplace settings, along with further reading and training resources
  • Written by a mindfulness expert and leading corporate trainer

Author: Chaskalson, Michael

Topic: New Age / Body, Mind & Spirit
Media: Book
ISBN: 470661593
Language: English
Pages: 209

Additional information

Weight 0.75 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.6 in


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