Modernizing Practice Paradigms for New Music: Periodization Theory and Peak Performance Exemplified Through Extended Techniques
The author examines how new music scores with extended playing techniques call for new practice structures. YouTube access to basic instructional videos and the streaming of sound files allows musicians today to learn easily and independently. Yet, the trailblazers in new music tackled new scores without these aids; they used imagination, experimentation and tenacity. Conscious use of both learning modalities can augment ideas of practice and performance preparation; expanding new music’s reach while preserving its fire. Practice is differentiated between the quick learning for an upcoming performance and the transformative learning that new music offers. Periodization theory from sport science provides a pedagogical framework for building both mental and physical stamina leading to peak performance.
Author: Borkowski, Jennifer
Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 3631673973
Language: English
Pages: 118
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