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My Personality


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My Personality is a workbook for children aged about 7-10 years, designed to introduce them to some of the natural personality differences in people and to encourage an appreciation of differences. It has been designed to be used in an interactive and fun way with a teacher or parent guiding the learning.

The personality theory presented in this book is based on the work of Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs-Myers. The characteristics or preferences described on pages 10 to 17 indicate some natural differences in children. Each child has certain innate preferences which usually develop in either childhood or adolescence. The other preferences will usually develop during adult life. For each child some preferences will be well developed and some will be poorly developed and of little interest.

Personality theory shows us very clearly how our interests, needs, motivations and natural learning styles differ. It also helps us to see why some students struggle to survive in the classroom and what can be done to allow students to achieve their potential and enjoy learning. Regular opportunities to use their natural preferences can ensure that learning experiences are effective and can also promote the development of the child. By contrast, learning experiences that require the constant use of poorly developed preferences result in poor learning, stress and missed opportunities to promote development.

Information is included in this book about the natural learning style differences that are found in children of different personality types. These personality differences relate to the way our brains process information. This is useful information for the students, parents and teachers. When children have the opportunity to learn in their own natural way, they will experience success and satisfaction. This will motivate children to want to learn and build their self-confidence. Teachers and parents can assist by providing appropriate learning activities and feedback.

How to use this book:

My Personality is a children’s workbook with space to write their own responses. The ideas covered in this book will come alive if the teacher or parent encourages discussion and uses lots of examples to illustrate the ideas presented. Examples of differences can be found in heroes in the media, celebrities in sport or children’s movies and cartoon characters, as well as differences in the members of your group or family. Use positive and successful examples to illustrate how people of any type can be successful. Children should be encouraged to discuss the ideas in this book with parents, teachers, classmates and friends. Emphasis should be on the value of differences and the gifts associated with the personality differences. Each two pages could be explored in a separate session so that the children would not be overwhelmed with too many ideas at once. The amount of time needed will vary depending on the amount of activity organised. The ideal would be six or seven sessions of 40-60 minutes. For ideas on how to present this material to children please contact the author.

Author: McGuiness, Mary

Topic: Children’s Books/All Ages
Media: Book
ISBN: 975188836
Language: English
Pages: 26