Nana’s Helping Hand with Ptsd Workbook: Family Healing Ptsd, Abuse, Stress Series
A unique nurturing perspective to empowering children against a life-altering impact of parental PTSD, Anita Miranda is giving you a chance to download “Helping Hand with PTSD,” the first in its series from Nana Knows for free. This book opens the door for families to discuss the complexity of PTSD in the home.
“Nana’s Helping Hand with PTSD” is a book that can have a profound impact in helping children and grownups learn about this condition that mistakenly has been thought to be a result of military experiences only. The author through story-telling provides insight and facts to help readers grasp the symptoms and effects of PTSD.
Growing up and learning the facts of life, children of PTSD parents can struggle for a lifetime, having had their developmental years marred by confusion and grief. Lack of open communication from a child’s point of view may lead to costly therapy and the future expenses of children damaged by PTSD as in broken homes, toxic relationships, and poor life choices.
Nana Knows PTSD Workbook” PTSD families are able to discuss right away life lessons, receive valuable teaching techniques and utilize frequently asked questions to further address the challenge of living with or alongside a PTSD parent. These books appeal to a wide and diverse preschool-middle school audience having a PTSD parent.
In the story, the neighborhood Nana is disabled, yet very wise and compassionate. She welcomes any of the children to visit for storytime. Twins Bobby and Bella show up distraught on Nana’s doorstep one afternoon, shocked at their mother’s behavior and feeling like their mother no longer loves them. They feel that they did something wrong. Nana ushers them in for their traditional milk and cookies, but when the twins refuse, she offers a listening ear and a helping hand. Can she help the twins understand their mother’s PTSD? What they leave with are coping skills to release blame, guilt and feeling helpless.
Author: Miranda, Anita, Author: Leiter, Samantha
Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 692450955
Language: English
Pages: 38
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