Neural Basis of Reading
Reading is a unique human ability that has become very pivotal for functioning in our world today. As modern societies rely extensively on literacy skills, and as reading disabilities have profound personal, economic and social consequences, it is surprising that we have a very underdeveloped scientific understanding of the neural basis of reading and visual word recognition in the normal brain. A better understanding of normal reading processes could help individuals with developmental dyslexia and other reading disabilities, and also inform our strategies for improving early learning and carrying out effective interventions. Neuroimaging offers a unique window on reading through which we have achieved profound insights into its neural correlates in both health and disease, and has also raised important questions that have generated much scientific debate.
This book addresses some of the fundamental questions in reading research. Piers Cornelissen, Peter Hansen, Morten Kringelbach, and Ken Pugh have brought together some of the leading scientists to provide comprehensive articles that shed light on the neural basis of reading. Its broad-yet-integrative treatment is divided into three parts: 1) behavioural data and modelling (with direct implications for neuroimaging), 2) neuroimaging, and 3) impaired reading. The book will be a useful resource for everyone interested in the reading brain, particularly those in neuroimaging, cognition and attention, sensation and perception, language, development and aging, education, and computational modelling.
Editor: Cornelissen, Piers, Editor: Hansen, Peter, Editor: Kringelbach, Morten, Editor: Pugh, Ken
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 019530036X
Language: English
Pages: 349
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