Neuropsychology of Asians and Asian-Americans: Practical and Theoretical Considerations (2014)
Neuropschology with Asians and Asian Americans
Practical and Theoretical Considerations
J. Mark Davis and Rik Carl D’Amato, editors
The challenge of cultural competence for health providers is more than the recognition of other ethnicities: it entails the balancing of group and individual factors to apply relevant information in diagnostic and therapeutic settings. Particularly in need of culturally appropriate services are Asians and Asian Americans, populations that are diverse, growing, and underserved by Asian practitioners.
Neuropsychology with Asians and Asian Americans takes cultural neuroscience to new levels in its variety and usefulness. Focusing on the largest groups of Far East and Southeast Asian descent, this leading-edge reference examines the influence of culture on psychological processes and identifies sociocultural factors as they influence neurological aspects of client presentation. This expert coverage goes beyond well-known constructs of “collectivism” and “family orientation” toward establishing an evidence base crucial to understanding, assessing, and treating Asian and Asian American clients, including:
- Linguistic factors and language assessment of Asians.
- Society and acculturation in Asian and Asian American communities
- Mental illness from Asian and Asian American perspectives.
- Understanding cognitive differences across the lifespan: comparing Eastern and Western cultures
- Clinical interviews and qualitative assessment with Asian clients
- Neuropsychological test selection with Asian clients
Unique in its scope and detail, Neuropsychology with Asians and Asian Americans is a necessary resource for neuropsychologists and rehabilitation specialists as well as social workers and clinical, counseling, and school psychologists.
Editor: Davis, J Mark, Editor: D’Amato, Rik Carl
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1461480744
Language: English
Pages: 193
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