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No Child Left Unwrapped: Understanding and Honoring the Gifts Every Child Is Born with



Do you know a child who struggles to pay attention? To communicate with other children or adults? To manage their highly sensitive feelings? To show the “right” emotions? Do you worry that life is going to be hard for this child… forever?

More children today are being diagnosed with developmental delays, anxiety disorders, and social emotional issues than ever before. And children today are facing more challenges than ever before–social, emotional, even spiritual challenges–yet society and our present educational system are still looking at our children through the lens of an old paradigm that honors intellectual gifts and physical talents, above all else.

But what if nothing is wrong with our children? What if our children are simply more sensitive, intuitive, empathic, connected to their own inner worlds? What if our highly sensitive children are the greatest gift to our world, if only we would unwrap their gifts?

Our children are not broken. Our children have a beautiful gift of resilience and empathy. If only we knew how to truly see them. Most of us (parents, educators, specialists), we focus on outside forces and circumstances. We so easily get wrapped up in seeing only a sensitive child, a learning disability, a sensory processing disorder, a social anxiety, or simply a tendency to be a bit different.

No Child Left Unwrapped challenges us to look at our children differently than we ever have before. Our society is based on an old paradigm that is no longer serving our children and youth of today. It’s time for us to help our children discover their unique awesomeness because every child is born with beautiful gifts that are meant to be unwrapped and shared with the world.

Author: Francis, Shelley L

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1732647712
Language: English
Pages: 254

Additional information

Weight 1.09 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.63 in


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