One Line a Day Mood Tracker Journal: Thirty-One-Day, Rail Line, Condensed Mood Diary, Complete with Sketch Areas and Color Charts.
If you have trouble journaling or have never tried it, you may find that the one-line-a-day journal system may be helpful in chronicling different events or aspects of your life. This particular journal guides you in chronicling your moods and their triggers from one line to a few lines a day.
This innovative design contains three sections: morning, afternoon, and evening.
- Simply jot a few words or lines describing how you feel.
- Note if there were any specific triggers that enabled this mood.
- If writing any words seems too much on any specific day, try sketching a picture or coloring in one of the mood tracker charts with a pencil or colors.
- Each section is purposefully small, but if you feel like venting, turn toward the back and enter what you need in the Expanded Notes section.
- Are you feeling particularly angry? Splash some black crayon across the page.
- Learn to identify your feelings and portray them in some manner that makes sense to you.
- Let it all out. It’s just you and the journal.
Also, toward the back of the journal is a one-month-long mood color chart. Fill this in at the end of every day to get a look, in color, at your moods overall.
An easy to write, easy to read journal of feelings.
Give it a try and dip your toe in the fascinating world of journaling without getting too wet!
Author: Goulet, L S, Author: Lsgw
Topic: Medical / Nursing
Media: Book
ISBN: 1797427121
Language: English
Pages: 144
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