Parents’ Perspective: Delinquency, Aggression and Mental Health
By concentrating on the parents, who usually bring the youth into the legal or mental health system, the book provides numerous unique insights into the nature of problems among urban youths. It describes how certain legal and psychological problems often coexist, examines the reasons for these problems, and shows how this knowledge can be used to improve the delivery of youth and family services.
Based on an extensive study of the parents of youth in trouble, this book describes and analyzes how urban parents view the problems of their adolescent children, and how they have tried to cope with and to seek help for them. Focusing on parents as third-party help-seekers, the authors shed light on the types of problems experienced by adolescents in urban communities.
Author: Lerman, Paul
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 3718605813
Language: English
Pages: 302
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