Phobic Disorders and Panic in Adults: A Guide to Assessment and Treatment
In recent years, enormous advances have been made in the understanding and treatment of phobic disorders. This volume provides extensive information on the three main types of phobic disorders- panic disorder and agoraphobia, social phobia and specific disorder. Throughout, current research findings are integrated with recommendations for diagnosis and treatment.For each of these disorders, clinicians will find guidelines for assessment, including diagnostic interviews, behavioural assessments, symptom diaries, and standardized self reports. The authors present flexible and detailed treatment protocols for each disorder that include session frequency and duration, sequencing of cognitive and behavioral strategies, bibliotherapy, homework, and monitoring forms for tracking patient progress. Basic principles of exposure-based treatment and social skills training and the most effective cognitive techniques are described, illuminated by sample therapist-patient dialogue and troubleshooting tips. Information on commonly ued medications is also included.
Author: Antony, Martin M, Author: Swinson, Richard P, Joint Author: Swinson, Richard P
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1557986967
Language: English
Pages: 422
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