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Power: Why We Want It and What to Do with It



This book explores human behavior in terms of power in all its manifestations across a wide spectrum. The author examines the subtle dynamics of power in interpersonal relationships as well as its overarching influence in large institutions such as governments, nations, and the financial centers of our global economy. By using this single conceptual lens, he demonstrates how abundant and diverse our power sources are, how to find and develop them to unleash our hidden potential, and how to help others accomplish the same.

What are the three (or four) greatest sources of individual power? How do we use power passively and aggressively in relationships? Why does power tend to corrupt? What influence does government have on the distribution of wealth? In what ways have globalization and technology changed our national economies, corporations, and governments? How can we promote the common good for ourselves and society?

These questions and more are illuminated through the author’s insightful focus on power broadly defined. After reading this book, you’ll never see yourself or the world again in quite the same way.

Author: Toombs, Dennis

Topic: Sociology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1633881911
Language: English
Pages: 270