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Promoting Positive Parenting: An Attachment-Based Intervention



This book illuminates the successful implementations of one of the few evidence-based parenting intervention programs. More than 20 years ago the editors began experimenting with videotaping parental behavior in order to enhance parents’ sensitivity to their children’s signals. This new book presents the outcome of this effort.

Video-feedback Intervention to Promote Positive Parenting (VIPP) is a brief and focused parenting intervention program that has been successful in a variety of clinical and non-clinical groups and cultures. The book opens with an introdcution to the VIPP program and the theoretical background of this parenting intervention, followed by a narrative and meta-analytical review of the attachment-based interventions. The book continues with detailed descriptions and case reports of several intervention studies of the program. It describes the implementation and testing of a variety of VIPP based interventions highlighting different families in a variety of childcare settings, and in various countries including the Netherlands, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Chapters present how the VIPP approach was implemented in samples of insecure mothers, mothers with eating disorders, preterm infants, adopted children, and children with early behavior problems.

Author: Juffer, Femmie, Author: Juffer, F, Editor: Juffer, Femmie

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 805863524
Language: English
Pages: 256

Additional information

Weight 1.12 lbs
Dimensions 8.9 × 7.33 × 0.55 in


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