Psychoanalytic Study of the Child: Volume 50
Clifford Yorke, Freud’s Psychology: Can It Survive?
Per R. Anthi, Resistance Analysis and Psychic Reality
Judith Guss Teicholz, Loewald’s “Positive Neutrality” and the Affirmative Potential of Pyschoanalytic Interventions
John B. McDevitt, A Childhood Gender Identity Disorder: Analysis, Preoedipal Determinants, and Therapy in Adolescence
Helen R. Beiser, A Follow-up of Child Analysis: The Analyst as a Real Person
Theodore J. Gaensbauer, Trauma in the Preverbal Period: Symptoms, Memories, and Developmental Impact
Pini Rabenu and Tamar G. Rabenu, The Role of Free Movement in Separation-Individuation: A Study of Paralysis
Clinical Contributions
Sarah Atkinson and Glen O. Gabbard, Erotic Transference in the Male Adolescent-Female Analyst Dyad
E. Kirsten Dahl, Daughters and Mothers: Aspects of the Representational World During Adolescence
Julia Fabricius and Viviane Green, Termination in Child Analysis: A Child- Led Process?
Audrey Gavshon, The Analysis of an Overstimulated Child
Marianne Goldberger, Enactment and Play Following Medical Trauma: An Analytic Case Study
Erwin R. Parson, Post-Traumatic Stress and Coping in an Inner-City Child: Traumatogenetic Witnessing of Interparental Violence and Murder
Shirley C. Samuels, Helping Foster Children to Mourn Past Relationships
Jessica Valner and Marc Nemiroff, Silent Eulogy: Elective Mutism in a Six-Year-Old Hispanic Girl
Applied Psychoanalysis
Anne Adelman, Traumatic Memory and the Intergenerational Transmission of Holocaust Narratives
Shuli Barzilai, Models of Reflexive Recognition: Wallon’s Origines du caractère and Lacan’s “Mirror Stage”
Jules Glenn, The Child Is Father of the Man: Wordsworth’s Ode: Intimations of Immortality and His Secret Sharers
William D. Jeffrey, “Lazarus Stand Forth”: H.D. Encounters Freud
Mortimer Ostow, The Examination Dream Revisited: A Clinical Note
Editor: Solnit, Albert J, Editor: Neubauer, Peter B, Editor: Abrams, Samuel, Editor: Dowling, A Scott
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 300064713
Language: English
Pages: 448
Additional information
Weight | 1.6 lbs |
Dimensions | 9.28 × 6.4 × 1.55 in |
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