Releasing the Self: The Healing Legacy of Heinz Kohut
This book revisits in depth Kohut’s own accounts of his theory and clinical work and links them with other contemporary perspectives within psychoanalysis.
- Rage, shame and presymbolic dread
- Discerning invisible structures
- Perversion, the vertical split and the psychoeconomic dimension
- The healing process in Kohut’s psychoanalysis
- Empathy and the intersubjectivists
- Kohut and the internal object
- Impasse and Oedipus
- Schizophrenia and depression
- The fragmented self and the thwarted self
- The developmental neurobiology of the self object relationship
- Self psychology perspectives on childhood trauma
- Further reflections on psychoanalytic cure
Author: Mollon, Phil
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1861562292
Language: English
Pages: 292
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