Resolution of Inner Conflict: An Introduction to Psychoanalytic Therapy
Resolution of Inner Conflict: An Introduction to Psychoanalytic Therapy, Second Edition gives readers a thorough course on how to do psychoanalytic therapy. The authors provide a step-by-step analysis of the key points in the process of psychoanalytic therapy as well as important topics and issues that may arise during therapy. After reviewing the foundations of psychoanalytic theory, the authors launch into the practical steps of this therapy, from the initial interview with the client and the structure of therapy through personal responses to the client, transference, resistance, dream interpretation, and termination. The authors then examine important topics such as psychoanalytic therapy with female clients and the application of psychoanalytic concepts to services other than therapy. This indispensable guide is thoroughly supported with references to literature and research on this approach and includes discussions of founders of the field such as Freud as well as the most recent writers on psychoanalytic therapy. The new, thoroughly updated edition is an unsurpassed introduction to this time-tested and effective method of therapy.
Author: Auld, Frank, Author: Hyman, Marvin, Author: Rudzinski, Donald
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1591471958
Language: English
Pages: 283
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