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Reweaving the Autistic Tapestry: Autism, Asperger Syndrome and ADHD



Although there is increasing professional recognition of the links between ADHD and autistic spectrum disorders, this is the first book to analyse them in depth. In Reweaving the Autistic Tapestry, Lisa Blakemore-Brown uses the metaphor of the ‘tapestry’ to explain more clearly to parents and professionals the interwoven nature of these disorders. She demonstrates how by focusing on defined threads of the individual’s tapestry, such as communication ability or hyperactivity, within the larger picture, we can better assess the individual’s needs and make more effective interventions. She argues that the more traditional approach, which aims to ameliorate specific problems rather than working within the bigger picture, can actually prove counter-effective. In a comprehensive chapter on interventions, the author discusses different approaches, emphasising the importance of early intervention and of finding the right approach for the individual child. Case studies are described alongside drawn tapestries to show how this simple visual method can easily be used to illustrate the history, current status and ongoing progress of a child. In this way, the tapestry can be used as a construct to define rich and unique personal landscapes.

Useful for parents as well as professionals, this groundbreaking book demonstrates how a deeper understanding of the complexity of human development can lead to more appropriate early intervention and treatment plans for children who manifest complex symptoms, thus helping them to lead happier and more fulfilling lives.

Author: Blakemore-Brown, Lisa

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 1853027480
Language: English
Pages: 352