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Ritual Theatre: The Power of Dramatic Ritual in Personal Development Groups and Clinical Practice



Ritual theatre is a powerful healing system that has been practised since ancient times by early societies and in tribal communities. It has the ability to effect deep transformation in its participants, support growth and development, and resolve personal issues. This book considers the relevance of ritual theatre in contemporary life and describes how it is being used as a highly cathartic therapeutic process. With contributions from leading experts in the field of dramatherapy, the book brings together a broad spectrum of approaches to ritual theatre as a healing system. It explores the anthropological and tribal roots of dramatic ritual and proposes that ritual theatre finds its most potent expression in personal development work. The practical application of ritual theatre in various clinical settings is discussed and the final chapters explore the possibilities of ritual theatre as performance. Offering a comprehensive discourse on the theory, application and potential of ritual theatre, this book will be an essential text for all students and practitioners of dramatherapy, arts therapists, psychotherapists, psychologists, counsellors and theatre professionals.

Contribution by: Raucher, Gary, Contribution by: Mitchell, Steve, Contribution by: Israel, Sylvia, Contribution by: Plummer, Elizabeth, Contribution by: Rubin, Sheila, Contribution by: Jennings, Sue, Contribution by: Linden, Saphira, Contribution by: Grainger, Roger, Editor: Schrader, Claire, Contribution by: Nisenbaum Becker, Susan, Foreword by: Roose-Evans, James, Contribution by: Valeta, Thalia, Contribution by: Colkett, Debra, Contribution by: Todd, Carrie

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1849051380
Language: English
Pages: 334