Roadmap to Prevent and Combat Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: The Consolidated Action Plan to Prevent and Combat Multidrug- And Extensively Drug-Resistan
This publication presents a roadmap to scale up a comprehensive response to the alarming problem of drug-resistant tuberculosis in the WHO European Region. Designed to prevent and control both multidrug- and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (M/XDR-TB) in the Region, the Consolidated Action Plan has six cross-cutting strategic directions and seven areas of intervention. Aligned with the Global Plan to Stop TB, implementation of the Action Plan will save 120,000 lives and billions of US dollars. The roadmap includes a monitoring and evaluation framework, analysis of the costs and benefits of implementation, and summaries of the situation in the 15 countries in the Region with a high burden of MDR-TB.
This publication is aimed primarily at those responsible for TB control in the Region, including ministries of health and other government bodies responsible for health in penitentiary services, health financing, health education and social services. It should also help intensify the involvement of civil society and communities affected by the disease, professional societies, partners and donors, national and international technical agencies and all stakeholders engaged in TB control in the Region.
Author: Who Regional Office for Europe
Topic: Medical / Nursing
Media: Book
ISBN: 9289002468
Language: English
Pages: 103
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