Rts Personality: Rational Theistic Self-Analysis (Rts): For Achieving Wholeness Here and in the Afterlife
The expression “rational theistic self-analysis” (RTS) refers to the systematic daily self-monitoring of our thoughts and feelings and their assessment in accordance with spiritual-rational ideas regarding God and the afterlife of eternity. This book explains how people can raise their consciousness, their vitality, their understanding, and their self-confidence by getting to know the practice of rational theistic self-analysis. These ideas about the mind and the afterlife are described in the work of Jung and Swedenborg, two of the past giants of psychology and spirituality. See Volume 1 of this book. No one is born for hell; everyone is born for heaven. Swedenborg Your perception will become clear only when you can look into your soul. -Carl Jung What is conscious to us now becomes unconscious in the afterlife, and what is unconscious to us now becomes conscious after death. Leon James It is part of being a human being to want to be immortal. The people of the ancient and pre-modern cultures knew that they were immortal. They understood that death brings new life to the person. But modern civilization is shaped by a materialistic science that has turned more and more towards a foundational premise of just one world. As a result, modern people do not know that they are immortal. And yet they desperately want to be immortal! Once you allow that idea to enter your mind — the idea that you are immortal, you will perceive a sense of deep relief from the constant normal anxiety about death or dying. This happens when we think that the self or the self of a loved one is going out of existence. It causes the modern individual’s life-angst or basic anxiety. Hence the amazing relief we feel when discovering and understanding our immortality. One of the central tasks in RTS is to help you make that discovery of yourself. Once the death-fear is gone or much lessened, there comes curiosity. Many questions flood the mind, such as these: a) What is it like to live in the afterlife? b) Do we have a body? c) Can we feel pleasure? d) Can we be intimate with others? e) What are the afterlife lifestyles? f) What is there to do? g) Can we see God? h) How are we to prepare ourselves now for that life in eternity? i) What is the most important task we have here on earth? j) If there is life after death in eternity then why are we born on earth instead of in eternity? k) Do we have a soulmate with whom we live in happiness to eternity? l) Is there marriage in the afterlife? m) What is our spirit body like and can we feel and do the same things as in the physical body? n) What is love? o) What is truth? p) How does God relate to each individual personally? q) Can we meet the people who already live in the afterlife? r) Are there spirits and angels? s) Is there a devil? t) How do we equip our personality with traits of mutual love that allows us to be angels in eternity? u) How do we avoid becoming selfish and stupid, unhappy and non-productive, living below the level of our human potential? v) Ho do we achieve self-realization and spiritual enlightenment? Every one of these questions is answered in the four Volumes of this book. The answers are presented as rational explanations based on the empirical observations and vast research compiled by the two giants of psychology, Jung and Swedenborg. In most cases these are answers that can be found elsewhere echoed in pieces and scattered across the world literature of the past three thousand years. The unparalleled genius and knowledge of Jung and Swedenborg provide the basis for presenting a coherent rational and unified scientific theory of the immortal human personality and of God’s very close relationship to the human race and to every individual.
Author: James Ph D, Leon
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 153914898X
Language: English
Pages: 308
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