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Run, Flee Narcissistic and Psychopath Abuse: Relationships, Neighbors, Communities: World Epidemic


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1 in 10 persons can take from you, abuse you, and turn around and laugh. They are the narcissistic abusers and psychopathic abusers of your relationships: lovers, relatives, bosses, and neighbors. They are also community leaders and world tyrants. Destroying your esteem and place in the world is their goal. They create in all Narcissistic Abuse Post Trauma Stress Disorder (NA PTSD), the damage of the soul and the real damage of the brain as seen in scans. These bullies are everywhere, and will fool you with their slick lives and appearance. They dominate online personals, abuse wives and children, cheat, con, and even kill. Dr. Bunch, a clinical therapist in Boise, Idaho, presents a different book on dangerous, pathological narcissistic abuse. It’s everywhere and your scope of damage from these persons is far greater you imagined. But, there is hope. Real stories, resources, clear answers and solutions are augmented with a broad range of tools. This problem is so severe that graphics, current news, mythological information, and personal checklists are needed to develop and strengthen your defense. You need all the tools, not just one because of the pathological narcissist is a brilliant psychopath. Beyond warding off these human symbolic monsters, you will gain insight to see their invisible ways, stop them before they damage you, and have a life put back on the tracks. Keep your soul train of full potential and soul purpose moving forward from now

Author: Bunch Phd, Charles K

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 1503338304
Language: English
Pages: 292

Additional information

Weight 0.87 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.61 in


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