Self-Discipline: Mental Toughness Mindset: Increase Your Grit and Focus to Become a Highly Productive (and Peaceful!) Person
This Mindset and Exercises Will Help You Build Everlasting Self-Discipline and Unbeatable Willpower
Imagine that you have this rare kind of power that enables you to maintain iron resolve, crystal clarity, and everyday focus to gradually realize all of your dreams by consistently ticking one goal after another off your to-do list. Way too often, people and their minds don’t really play in one team.
Wouldn’t that be profoundly life-changing to utilize that power to make the best partners with your brain?
This rare kind of power is a mindset. The way you think, the way you perceive and handle both the world around you and your inner reality, will ultimately determine the quality of your life. A single shift in your perception can trigger meaningful results. Life can be tough. Whenever we turn, there are obstacles blocking our way. Some are caused by our environment, and some by ourselves. Yet, we all know people who are able to overcome them consistently, and, simply speaking, become successful. And stay there! What really elevates a regular Joe or Jane to superhero status is the laser-sharp focus, perseverance, and the ability to keep on going when everyone else would have quit. I have, for a long time, studied the lives of the most disciplined people on this planet. In this book, you are going to learn their secrets. No matter if your goals are financial, sport, relationship, or habit-changing oriented, this book covers it all. Today, I want to share with you the science-based insights and field-tested methods that have helped me, my friends, and my clients change their lives and become real-life go-getters.
Here are some of the things you will learn from this book:
-What the “positive thinking trap” means, and how exactly should you use the power of positivity to actually help yourself instead of holding yourself back?
-What truly makes us happy and how does that relate to success? Is it money? Social position? Friends, family? Health? No. There’s actually something bigger, deeper, and much more fundamental behind our happiness. You will be surprised to find out what the factor that ultimately drives us and keeps us going is, and this discovery can greatly improve your life.
-Why our Western perception of both happiness and success are fundamentally wrong, and how those misperceptions can kill your chances of succeeding?
-Why relying on willpower and motivation is a very bad idea, and what to hold on to instead? This is as important as using only the best gasoline in a top-grade sports car. Fill its engine with a moped fuel and keep the engine oil level low, and it won’t get far. Your mind is this sports car engine. I will show you where to get this quality fuel from.
-You will learn what the common denominator of the most successful and disciplined people on this planet is – Navy SEALS and other special forces, Shaolin monks, top performing CEOs and Athletes, they, in fact, have a lot in common. I studied their lives for a long time, and now, it’s time to share this knowledge with you.
-Why your entire life can be viewed as a piece of training, and what are the rules of this training?
-What the XX-th century Russian Nobel-Prize winner and long-forgotten genius Japanese psychotherapist can teach you about the importance of your emotions and utilizing them correctly in your quest to becoming a self-disciplined and a peaceful person?
-How modern science can help you overcome temptation and empower your will, and why following strict and inconvenient diets or regimens can actually help you achieve your goals in the end?
-How can you win by failing and why giving up on some of your goals can actually be a good thing?
-How do we often become our own biggest enemies in achieving our goals and how to finally change it?
-How to maintain your success once you achieve it?
Free e-book inside: 120-page guide about Mindfulness.
Author: Tuhovsky, Ian
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1547000627
Language: English
Pages: 102
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