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Sexual Harassment, Work, and Education: A Resource Manual for Prevention, Second Edition (Revised)



Sexual Harassment, Work, and Education brings new and important research to bear on consensual relationships on college campuses, provides new resources for dealing with sexual harassment in elementary and secondary schools, and outlines individualized programs for workplace training. Responding to feedback from readers of the first edition, authors Michele A. Paludi and Richard B. Barickman have joined together again to update and revise their classic sexual harassment resource guide.

This indispensable resource provides sources for audio-visual material and legal references, and includes sample policy statements, investigatory procedures, and examples of training programs in sexual harassment awareness for employees, students, and administrators.

Author: Paludi, Michele A, Author: Barickman, Richard B

Topic: Sociology
Media: Book
ISBN: 791438910
Language: English
Pages: 194