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Sexual Intimacy Between Therapists and Patients.



Pope and Bouhoutsos have written a no-nonsense and concise book which covers a great deal of what is known about sexual intimacy between therapists and their patients. . . . This book should be on the must read list for all psychologists.

Psychotheraphy in Private Practice

A landmark volume in the psychotherapy literature. This tightly written book offers something valuable to therapists from the student level to the seasoned veteran. It reaches a new level of information comprehensiveness and theoretical integration. Patricia Keith-Spiegel, Former Three-Term Chair, APA Ethics Committee

A thoroughly unique, impressively comprehensive, and long-awaited contribution. A store-house of information. Jay Zisken, Past President, American Psychology-Law Society

Author: Pope, Kenneth S, Author: Bouhoutsos, Jacqueline C, Author: Bouhoutsos, J C

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 275922537
Language: English
Pages: 197