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Show Me Your Glory: A Mother’s Grief for Her Son



Someone asked to help them know Dale’s soul…and this was my answer: Dear Tammi Haight Brand, that is a vast request and I don’t know how to begin. If you read the posts in the group, Dear Dale, you will begin to know him. He was fun, serious, giving, compassionate, deep, analytical, intelligent, genuine, authentic, transparent, people person, talented, creative, others first, loving, fiercely loving, adventurous, risk taker, visionary. Deeply spiritual, yearned hard after God so much that it killed him. Helpful. Friends were highest priority. Never met a stranger. Could talk to anyone and make them feel good about themselves. Nothing shallow about him. Spoke first to people to say hello. Big time hugger. Loved on all people. Shared Jesus with all people. Laughed very much. Had a real sense of humor. Never stopped loving. Deep prayer. Psychologist. Nurse. Doctor. Ethicist. Medical field pursuer. Independent. Entrepreneur spirit. Pioneer spirit. Handsome. Womanizer cuz they all loved him. Beautiful spirit and soul. Do you get an inkling of an idea, Tammi? This kid was special. He impacted lives around him. He helped the bums on the street, and reached the millionaires of the world. He networked constantly and knew alot of famous people, yet nothing went to his head. He was humble enough to help the poorest of the poor. His mission included reaching those who think they need nothing in this world, the wealthy, but who needed Jesus just as desperately as the homeless on the street. … When he asked, how are you today, he meant, how is your heart and soul today? He was a leader who led by example and servitude. He cared. He never gave up. That is my Dalez in a little nutshell. I adored him, and so did thousands of people across the world. He brought people together. A peacemaker and mediator. A writer, a thinker, one with deep perspective. I cannot say enough about him. He was loved.

Author: Kompik, Barbara E

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1985620685
Language: English
Pages: 232

Additional information

Weight 0.7 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.49 in


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