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Sleepwalking, Criminal Behavior, and Reliable Scientific Evidence: A Guide for Expert Witnesses



When a person who is charged with a violent crime claims “the sleepwalking defense,” sleep experts are often retained by one or both sides of the case to examine and argue the validity of the claim. This book provides a method and essential background knowledge for examining scientific evidence and testimony regarding sleep-related criminal behavior.

Who can be called in to provide expert testimony about sleep? What type of evidence can be considered reliable sleep science, and what type of evidence should be ignored in the case? How can the jury sort through conflicting testimonies? Sleep psychologists and other professionals who wish to expand their clinical work into forensic consultations will learn key practices for evaluating criminal cases, both for the prosecution and defense. Case studies illustrate how to construct a detailed behavioral analysis of a sleepwalker’s actions before, during, and after episodes for which they are charged.

Author: Pressman, Mark R

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1433829193
Language: English
Pages: 249