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Socialization and Aggression (Softcover Reprint of the Original 1st 1992)



Authors from Europe and the USA give a summary in this book of the current psychological knowledge about the socialization determinants of human aggressive behavior development and outline theoretical perspectives as wellas directions of future research. Thus, the volume includes theoretical and conceptual chapters concerning socialization and sources of aggression (Part I), chapters presenting a summary of empirical researchon early developmental determinants of aggressive and antisocial behavior patterns (Part II), chapters on the effects of social norms and education onaggression in children and youth (Part III), and finally contributions analyzing relationship between aggression as a psychological phenomenon and socio-cultural phenomena and processes (Part IV). The contributing authors have outstanding research experience and significant publications on socialization and aggression development. Their studies are embedded in various philosophical traditions and specific socio-cultural experiences; the book therefore provides a wide range of approaches and syntheses of current research.

Editor: Fraczek, Adam, Editor: Zumkley, Horst

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 3540547991
Language: English
Pages: 246