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Subconscious Takeover: Creating the Habit of Wellness



Have you tried to make changes in your life and end up right back where you started or further away than you’d like to be? Lack of attention to your subconscious programming is the reason. In order to make changes you must reprogram your subconscious mind. The Subconscious Takeover is a reprograming system designed to help you raise your awareness regarding your thoughts, feelings, and behavior which will allow you to cultivate the mindset necessary to experience real, lasting change in your life. In this program you will: . Get clear about your vision 2. Observe your subconscious 3. Become familiar with your old story4. Learn how to live in a new story 5. Develop an intentional routine 6.Practice your new mindsetThe Subconscious Takeover journey is unique to every individual and the time the process takes depends on your level of commitment. If you are 100% committed you will see the results at the end of each day you practice the techniques, when you assess your daily progress. The road can be long and is not always a straight path. Use the tools in the workbook and in the workshop found at WORKSHOP.CREATINGTHEHABITOFWELLNESS.COM to help you stay accountable with prioritizing self care and reprogramming your subconscious mind

Author: Moore, Vashiona, Author: Diane, April

Topic: Consumer Health
Media: Book
ISBN: 1796693219
Language: English
Pages: 152

Additional information

Weight 1.11 lbs
Dimensions 11.02 × 8.5 × 0.39 in


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