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Sweet Side of Balance: The Biochemical Reasons Behind Your Sugar Addiction and Binge Eating and How You Can Change Them


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Author Melissa Reagan Brunetti is a Certified Nutrition Consultant . There are many factors that can cause compulsive overeating. This book focuses on the biochemical and the fallacy that a lack of willpower is to blame. The physical drivers can be as or more important than the emotional drivers. By understanding what is going on in your body biochemically, you can start to piece together the sources leading to your desire to overeat. When I finally understood what was actually causing my binge eating, I found resolution.Examining nutrient deficiencies is the key to understanding dependence. This book evaluates the deficiencies that exist in many addicts. We review not only what nutrients your body is taking in, but also your body’s ability to absorb and utilize these nutrients and excrete harmful substances that interfere with absorption. When we look at nutrient availability in the body, we also need to look at lifestyle and environmental factors that might be stripping your body of the nutrients necessary to suppress addictive tendencies. We will discuss diet, genetics, physical and emotional stress, blood sugar regulation and the body’s ability to detoxify. Methylation is a fundamental part of this process. Proper methylation of nutrients ensures nutrients are converted to substances that can be utilized and transported throughout the body to perform critical functions. When methylation is disturbed by any of the above factors, the body is unable to absorb and process nutrients. After reading this book, you will have a greater understanding of methylation and how and why it affects your own body.I believe an addiction to sugar will subside when you resolve the underlying reasons biochemically, not only by changing your diet but also by assuring that the nutrients you gain from food is being fully utilized. This book is my attempt to help you navigate all the available information and enable you to determine your own path to recovery. Empowerment is the key to your own health. Healing comes from within and my role as a nutritionist is to empower clients to heal themselves.As a certified clinical and advanced sports and exercise nutritionist, as well as a victim of the same condition, I hope to give you a different perspective. I have focused a large part of my life on finding a solution. This book is not a “diet book.” This is about changing your focus to foods that will enhance the function of the body and mind.

Author: Brunetti, Melissa Reagan

Topic: Diet / Health / Fitness
Media: Book
ISBN: 1728920248
Language: English
Pages: 240

Additional information

Weight 0.79 lbs
Dimensions 9.02 × 5.98 × 0.55 in


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