Systematic Musicology: Empirical and Theoretical Studies
This volume contains articles most of which present empirical studies in the field of systematic musicology. Contributions in particular deal with aspects of melody including modeling and computer-assisted analysis as well as with various issues in sound and music perception, musical acoustics and psychoacoustics. Topics range from loudness perception in ‘Techno’ music to sound radiation in classical singing styles, and from timbre research to wave field synthesis and room acoustics. One focus of this volume is on pop and rock music, another is on ethno and folk music. In addition to empirical investigations, theoretical and methodological issues are addressed including some fundamental concepts in ethnomusicology and folk music scholarship.
Editor: Schneider, Albrecht, Editor: Von Ruschkowski, Arne
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 3631635532
Language: English
Pages: 320
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