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Systemic Treatment of Families Who Abuse



A direct, informed approach involving all family members

An invaluable guide for enhancing your skills when working withfamilies in which child abuse has occurred. Systemic Treatment ofFamilies Who Abuse addresses both the symptoms and precipitatingissues of child abuse and neglect, and also

* offers new ideas for effective treatment
* identifies the conditions that are often present when child abuseoccurs
* outlines the protective factors that can counteract a person’stAndency toward child abuse

The author discusses how the treatment of child abuse differs fromgeneric treatment, and stresses the necessity for systemicinterventions for everyone: abusers, abused, and nonabused familymembers.

Author: Gil, Eliana

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 787901539
Language: English
Pages: 264

Additional information

Weight 1.15 lbs
Dimensions 9.4 × 6.5 × 0.9 in


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