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Then They Were One Fusion Without Abreaction: Via the as If Technique in 60 Seconds or Less an Innovative Approach to the Diagnosis of Dissociative Id



The book was written for the mental health professional, be they graduate students or seasoned professionals of all mental health disciplines. It is not for the general public. It is not a self-help, do it yourself book. The motive was to share with his colleagues, around the globe, either engaged in actively treating Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) clients or those considering expanding their practice into the area of DID or graduate students with his positive experiences in bringing all the DID true alters together without re-traumatizing them through the use of abreaction or any form of it.The author will be taking you, step by step, on his 27-year journey of discovery in the diagnosis and treatment of DID. First and foremost you will discover the answer to the challenge, “How to fuse alters without causing them to be retraumatized over and over again, through abreaction.” He does it in 60 seconds or less, and they stay together.Secondly, He shares a well known, but apparently seldom used, “question” that shortens the diagnosis of DID from months to seconds.He describes the scientific basis for his “As If” technique and offers four variations: One from a Judeo/Christian perspective, one from a secular perspective, one from a Wiccan perspective, and a variation for young children.With client consent, the author allows the reader to sit in on various therapy sessions. To witness, first hand, the inner workings of his techniques from the normal to the bazaar.Finally, several successful fully integrated clients graciously volunteered to include their personal testimonies. You will be moved, inspired and hopefully motivated to get involved in treating DID by the personal accounts of their courageous journey to full integration without abreaction.The book was deliberately kept short so that anyone could conceivably read it in one sitting to get the full impact. One can imagine how much material one can collect in 27 years. The notes have been gleaned to give the reader the most salient aspects of Dr. Flora’s techniques. In the future, as feedback comes in, the author will be including pertinent additions.Do not make the mistake of dismissing the techniques because they appear too good to be true. These techniques appear simple and they are but they work. I challenge all of you to consider supplementing your techniques with these tried and true methods of removing the hurt, pain, and suffering for both your clients/patients and yourselves. If as a nameless therapist wrote in his book, don’t you become desensitized by using abreaction to bring true alters together. Even if it does not bother you at all, remember our pledge “Do No Harm.” I know abreaction works but a famous therapist said, (You can find his name in the book) “Abreaction is like surgery without anesthesia.” I rest my case. Consider your client and try the “As If” technique for everybody’s benefit.(NOTE: the Christian-oriented “AS IF” ceremony I include in my book is easily modified to purely secular or other faiths. It is the “AS IF CORE” of the ceremony that is efficacious not the faith orientation. When I revise the book I will include these variations but in the meantime, if you buy the book email me and I’ll print out a ceremony that will better fit your clients’ orientation. Thank you!)The authors’ goal is final fusion. However, his experience, as others, is many DID clients drop out of therapy before the goal is achieved for various reasons. We stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. We owe them a debt of gratitude. We still have much to learn as it’s said in the text, This is a work in progress.To all my colleagues keep up the good work and to those on the sidelines, JOIN US! YOU ARE NEEDED TO BRING HEALING AND MEANING INTO THE LIVES OF OVER 107,115,000 INDIVIDUALS SUFFERING FROM “DID” AROUND THE WORLD!

Author: Flora Psyd, Earl W

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1505952344
Language: English
Pages: 178

Additional information

Weight 0.54 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.38 in


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