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Thousand Scriptures: A 1000 More Scriptures: God’s Word on Domestic Violence … Because Love Should Never Hurt!



A Thousand Scriptures: A 1000 More Scriptures – Genesis to Revelation …God’s Word on Domestic Violence and How He Responds to It … because love should never hurt.What if I told you I deposited one million dollars in an account for you, I gave you a hug, said I love you and drove off never to be seen again? How would you feel? My guess is you’d be doing a happy dance.
But what if the midst of doing your happy dance, you realized I never told you where the bank is located or told you the account number or access code. Heartbroken, you would know without the access code, account number, and location that million is worthless.
That is the same with what belongs to us in the kingdom of God. We have over thirty thousand promises in the Word of God. But we need to know what they are and how to access them. That access is knowledge, believing in that knowledge, and then walking in that knowledge. You are about to embark on the most amazing journey – ever.
This book has been written for those who’ve experienced the ill-effects of abuse and longed to be free from the pain associated with it. Deep inside I knew God did not want our lives full of abuse and violence. But I needed to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that abuse and violence was unbiblical.
Throughout this book, there are over A Thousand Scriptures on domestic violence issues and God’s ZERO tolerance.
I want you to know, that any abuse done to you is not okay – ever! And I promise you, God will not let the abuser get by with it. God’s love for you is so deep and so intense, that the pain you experience, He experiences. When you cry, He cries. When you hurt, He hurts. He knows your pain and suffering is very real and very damaging. He wants you to know how He feels about it.
In this book you will experience the love of God, how God cares for you, what He will do for you, and how He responds to the abusers and batterers. There are over A Thousand Scriptures on verbal, physical, mental, emotional, financial and sexual abuse. These very Scriptures will change your life!
You’ll find scriptures like:
“I will take away your shame. I will make them stop hurting you. At that time, I will punish those who hurt you. I will save My hurt people and bring back those who were forced to leave. I will give them praise and honor everywhere; even in places they suffered shame. You will see Me bring back all the blessings you once had. This is what the Lord said (Zephaniah 3:18-20).
I know you will cherish the precious words of God as He reveals His heart to you throughout this book. I know that as a result of you reading, pondering and meditating on the Prayers and Scriptures in this book you will experience total freedom!
This book is for anyone who wants:
– to be healed from abuse
– to stand on faith regardless of the circumstances
– to connect with God in a deep intimate way
– to let go of the hurt and pain and trust God
– to understand God’s promises in His word
– to experience hope, happiness, freedom, laughter, peace.
Tags: journaling prompts, Christian devotions, praying God’s word, word of God prayers, healing from abuse, fear and anxiety, God’s love heals, his love heals, dynamic prayers changed lives, why does he keep hurting me? the courage to heal, abused women, physical abuse, sexual abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse, abuse recovery, memoirs, journaling, journal writing, dysfunctional relationships, violent men, abusers, abusive, batterer, domestic violence, domestic abuse, LGBT, victims of domestic violence, domestic abuse violence, domestic abuse survivor, abuse survivors, abuse victim, emotional abused, verbal abuser, abuse kindle books, domestic violence kindle books, abuse memoir, domestic violence sourcebook, domestic abuse counseling, domestic abuse workbook, domestic abuse survivors, domestic abusers, abuse kindle ebook, kindle books

Author: Evers, Kelly Ann

Topic: Religion – Mormon / LDS
Media: Book
ISBN: 1728836859
Language: English
Pages: 234