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Tidal Model: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals



The Tidal Model represents a significant alternative to mainstream mental health theories, emphasising how those suffering from mental health problems can benefit from taking a more active role in their own treatment.

Based on extensive research, The Tidal Model charts the development of this approach, outlining the theoretical basis of the model to illustrate the benefits of a holistic model of care which promotes self-management and recovery. Clinical examples are also employed to show how, by exploring rather than ignoring a client’s narrative, practitioners can encourage the individual’s greater involvement in the decisions affecting their assessment and treatment. The appendices guide the reader in developing their own assessment and care plans.

The Tidal Model‘s comprehensive coverage of the theory and practice of this model will be of great use to a range of mental health professionals and those in training in the fields of mental health nursing, social work, psychotherapy, clinical psychology and occupational therapy.

Author: Barker, Phil, Author: Buchanan-Barker, Poppy

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1583918019
Language: English
Pages: 304