Toxic States of America: And How Spirituality Can Foster a National Nervous Breakthrough
Ponzi schemes. Insider trading. Bullying on the rise. Molestation and child pornography scandals. Internet, marketing, and employment scams. An increase in hostile, toxic work environments. Hidden fees. Higher rents, taxes, and costs of living. Bursting housing bubbles and market crashes. Derivative and insider trading. Predatory lending. Soaring gas prices. New, endless, unconstitutional, and privatized wars for profit. Corrupt politicians representing corporate and foreign rather than constituent interest. Super Political Action Committees. Bickering political parties that act the same. Searing national debt. Increasing surveillance. The TSA. Customer service representative are more blasé and cavalier, customers are more demanding and abusive. Narcissistic, entitled, and domineering behavior on the rise. False flag operations. A pill-popping population. The rich get richer as the poor get poorer as the middle class disappears. Worst of all, the Golden Rule appears to be endangered. There are so many symptoms of an empire in decline, Ancient Rome looks utopian in comparison. And many of us are appropriately concerned. Why is all this happening? As the book “The Toxic States of America: And How Spirituality and Foster a National Nervous Breakthrough” explains, it’s all due to one thing: A large-scale mismanagement of fear. “The Toxic States of America: And How Spirituality Can Foster a National Nervous Breakthrough,” a two-part, sixteen chapter sociopolitical, psycho-spiritual analysis, details the various ways by which a collective yet dysfunctional mismanagement of fear has resulted in the economic, political, ethical, social, and cultural downturns modern America is now facing…and what you can do to fix it.
Author: Socha, Matt
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1499674791
Language: English
Pages: 306
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