Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind, Body, and Society
This bestselling classic presents seminal theory and research on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Together, the leading editors and contributors comprehensively examine how trauma affects an individual’s biology, conceptions of the world, and psychological functioning. Key topics include why certain people cope successfully with traumatic experiences while others do not, the neurobiological processes underlying PTSD symptomatology, enduring questions surrounding traumatic memories and dissociation, and the core components of effective interventions. A highly influential work that laid the foundation for many of the field’s continuing advances, this volume remains an immensely informative and thought-provoking clinical reference.
Narrated by: Souer, Bob, Editor: Kolk, Bessel A, Editor: McFarlane, Alexander C, Editor: Weisaeth, Lars
Topic: Unabridged Audio – Misc.Nonfiction
Media: Audio Product
ISBN: 1541457927
Language: English
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