True to Type: Answers to the Most Commonly Asked Questions about Interpreting the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
Every year, millions of people take it.
Carefully validated, highly reliable, the MBTI has become the most popular personality indicator in the world, an indispensable tool for managers, consultants, trainers and personal administrators.
The MBTI is an indicator, not a test. It is not meant to predict performance, analyze abilities, categorize, or make value judgments. It is designed to show and individual’s preferences in four areas of life: how we see reality; how we judge that reality; where we go to get our energy for life; and how others see our orientation to the world.
Unfortunately, all too often, those taking the MBTI -sometimes even those administering or interpreting it- misunderstand what it measures and what conclusions can be drawn from the results.
That’s where True to Type comes in. Written in a simple and straightforward manner by an experienced consultant, True to Type helps the reader understand and interpret the MBTI. This is a book for those who have taken it and want to know what it means to them.
Author: Jeffries, William C
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1878901087
Language: English
Pages: 104
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