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Try It You’ll Like It: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Healthy, Adventurous Eaters



Do you want your child to eat better? As parents, we want our children to eat nutritious food and learn to make smart food choices. We want happy, relaxed family mealtimes. For children to learn to enjoy healthy foods, they need to taste them, often many times, many different ways. What if they refuse to try? What if they say they don’t like it? What can you do if they complain, argue, cry, gag, spit food out or throw tantrums? Most parents know what to feed their children… the problem often is about how to get them to eat. Try It You’ll Like It is packed with parenting tactics to promote healthy eating and positive mealtime behaviours in children, including trying new foods. If you think your child is a ‘fussy eater’, this book will challenge your views and give you the tools and confidence to raise a healthy eater. Children can learn to enjoy delicious, healthy meals and the many benefits they bring for health and wellbeing. No more fussy eating. Teach your children to love good food!

Author: Simard-Lebrun, Justine

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 992326702
Language: English
Pages: 174

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.4 in


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