Tunnel Vision: A Focused Life
There exist new and creative ways to successfully cushion lives surrounded by violence. There are ways to speak, to act and to focus in order to promote positive energy flow and to enjoy a healthier and less troubled post-trauma life. A learned behavior pattern, “Tunnel Vision” is utilized to reduce the likelihood of the perpetuation of trauma. Self-empowerment, brought about by consistent nurturing and loving support backed with a disciplined imagination and focus, will lead to a more stable and violence-free life. Saving one individual at a time from the affects of violence, trauma and abuse is the paramount objective of this book. Outcomes utilizing “Tunnel Vision” methodology are simple to implement yet profound in how consistent implementation and follow-through will positively affect each life it touches. This goal – to save children and adults from violence – will be met for all those that embrace “Tunnel Vision.”
Author: Attard, Jan
Topic: New Age / Body, Mind & Spirit
Media: Book
ISBN: 1939288584
Language: English
Pages: 188
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