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Turn Wishes to Wins: Common Sense Guide to Uncommon Results


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I wish I could make more money.I wish I could live in that big part of town.I wish I could go on vacations.I wish She/He would be mine.I wish I could serve God better.I wish I were as smart as Sense-boy.I wish I were the CEO.I wish they would respect me moreI wish I could get that raise.I wish I had bigger organs.I wish, I wish, I wish.Enough, you’ve said that enough.Your wishes are valid!You have one life to live.Shouldn’t you live deeply fulfilled?Dreams fill your soul like fog on a misty morning. You pray, you hope, you labour, yet your dreams remain wishes. Fear, waned excitement, unforeseen obstacles, distraction, procrastination are some of the storms you struggle with. You’ve won at some things in life and lost at others; some of which are very dear wishes. Are you tired of losing?There is no second in your life that you are without a desire. Desires are the roots of all wishes and how you handle your desires determine if you have wins or losses in life. In the first part of this book (rule storms), I show you how to subdue the 5 most common and deadly storms of life. These storms challenge your desires, incapacitate your wishes and prevent you from recording the wins that you deserve. In the second part (execute missions), I show you the 8 powers upon and by which every notable result is built. You will be equipped to execute your missions effectively and excellently. No more regrets, No more wasted resources, no more misplaced priorities, No more buried hopes. In the third part (Grab gold), I share with you 7 qualities of people who turn wishes into wins. Never again would you worry that the good you deserve is yet to manifest because you will become someone who knows how to turn wishes into wins and live unapologetically fulfilled. Let’s get you started on your best life yet.

Author: Atulaegwu, Princess Anne, Author: Atulaegwu, Anne

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 172681226X
Language: English
Pages: 284

Additional information

Weight 0.92 lbs
Dimensions 9.02 × 5.98 × 0.64 in


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