..”.Until You Die”: The Narcissist’s Promise
..”..Until You Die” The Narcissist’s Promise is true story of a young, romantic woman with dreams of a traditional life and family. Idealistic Skylar is captivated by the deceptive charmer John Bauers, a narcissistic sociopath, who takes her on a journey to the darkest components of domestic violence, weaving through eight years of escalating abuse, increased isolation, and malicious methods of control. Skylar’s ultimate rejection of John releases his malevolent fury and fuels his obsessive quest to punish and destroy. His sinister schemes bleed into the family courts, which had become Skylar’s sanctuary, causing her to lose everything…except her soul. Can Skylar ever escape the narcissist’s promise of vengeance to last ..”..until you die.”?
Author: Shaye, Robin, Foreword by: Vaknin, Sam
Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 984860703
Language: English
Pages: 378
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