What Can You Do: A Book about D
What Can You Do? is a book to help children discover their own special talents. Inspired by Dr. Howard Gardner’s Frames of Mind, in which he outlines seven different kinds of intelligence, the book helps children realize that succes comes in many forms. While one child might excel in mathematics, another might shine as an actor or a painter. The top reader in the class may not be a good skier, and vice versa. The authors hope to offer children and the adults who care for them a chance to think and talk about ways children have met with success or difficulty in using their abilities, and to help them recognize that one ability is not better than another. This understanding will encourage children to seek help with their challenges and to delight in their strengths.
Author: Rotner, Shelley, Author: Kelly, Sheila M, Photographer: Rotner, Shelley
Topic: Children’s All Ages – Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 761321195
Language: English
Pages: 24
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