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Whole Child: Selected Papers on Existential- Humanistic Child Psychology


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Though it is not well known, humanistic psychologists of various persuasions have been studying child development for over a century with very little recognition. The purpose of The Whole Child is to bring together Eugene M. DeRobertis’s most recent efforts to establish the foundations of an existential-humanistic approach to child development and further develop existential-humanistic self-development theory (EHSDT). The philosophical-anthropological foundations of the book reach back as far as Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas. Existential-humanistic child psychology is rooted in the works of individuals like Wilhelm Dilthey, Edmund Husserl, Alfred Adler, William Stern, Kurt Koffka, Heinz Werner, Kurt Lewin, Charlotte Bühler, D. W. Winnicott, Ernest Schachtel, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Karen Horney, Carl Rogers, M. J. Langeveld, Heinz Kohut, and others. Contemporary applications in the current volume include the role of the imagination in child development, embodiment, well-being research, dynamic systems approaches to child development, and the impact of consumer culture on self-development. This book is the follow-up volume to his Humanizing Child Developmental Theory: A Holistic Approach (2008).

Author: Derobertis, Eugene M

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1477635750
Language: English
Pages: 206

Additional information

Weight 0.92 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 7.99 × 0.44 in


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