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Wholistic Psychology: To Revolutionize the Mindset Supporting the Trumpism of Materialistic Society


SKU: INR-9781978242203 Category: Tags: , ,


Wholistic Psychology is based on the multidimensional human: the sequential left brain, the spatial right brain, the body, and physiological energy, evidenced in behavior. It is a treatise that reveals the human potential for wholeness and balance, unified by the human spirit-the life force-the ascending power in nature and humans. Much of the treatise is validated by the findings of Neuroscientist Roger Wolcott Sperry regarding the functions of the dual hemispheres of the amazing human brain, which has been known by whole, balanced, and insightful people for thousands of years. It also includes the manmade impediments to wholeness and balance. The contents of Wholistic Psychology also reveals the necessity of revolutionizing the current pathological field of psychology, which is dominated by sequential left brain theories, suppressing the higher spatial brain capabilities as well as the human spirit. That pathology has influenced many aspects of human society. It is currently evidenced in the election of Donald Trump as president of the so-called land of the free, revealing the depravity of the egotistic left brain dimension. The treatise also advances knowledge of sequential and spatial brain functioning to encourage self-knowledge-the pathway to wholeness and freedom from manmade impediments.

Author: Rogers, Frances Grace

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1978242204
Language: English
Pages: 118