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Win: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Destiny



Winners are not born. They learned how. You can learn how, too.

Winners don’t have more stamina. They just have better ideas. They don’t have higher IQs. They just have great strategy.

People think that winning is meant to be hard. And, if they can’t hack it, then they believe the good life is not meant for them.

Rabbi Baars explains that the reality is quite the opposite: The really good life is easy. And when life is easy, life is good. Sports, business, food, friendships and family, are only truly enjoyed by those who have figured out how to make them easy. These are the winners.

Most of us believe that motivation creates success, but in this book you’ll learn that it’s the other way around: It’s knowing that you are going to succeed that creates motivation. Winners have learned how to make challenging goals easy, but easy doesn’t mean lower. The trick is to take the goals you really want, and make THEM easy.

Change your thinking, change your life. Change your destiny. It’s that easy.

And for it to work it has to be easy. Because, if it isn’t easy, it won’t work.

This book will change your life, just by reading it.

Author: Baars, Rabbi Stephen

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1930835205
Language: English
Pages: 284

Additional information

Weight 1.09 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.75 in


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