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Working for Living: Slavery Masquerading as Freedom and Democracy


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Psychiatrist by profession, Walter Prytulak views the world’s social upheavals (global poverty, religious extremisms, and preemptive wars) in the light of mental disorders in psychiatry. He takes the proverbial statement of a “healthy mind in a healthy body” and uses it to describe a “sick society as residing in the sick profit-making body politic.” In his view, capitalism is a state religion purged of theological vernacular, the practice of which is imposed on its subjects on pain of starvation. Its anonymous god, referred to on every dollar bills and coin, commands strict adherence to the ethics of “working for living” and ‘no free lunches.” It can thrive only on the backs of slaves, still in existence today, albeit so richly rewarded that the glitter of wealth obscures this fact. Slavery restricts freedom of other religions, which is at the bottom of all social ills. The rhetoric of ‘working for living’ instead of food, and feeding the hungry by lessening their poverty muddies the waters and prevents getting the right answer to the problem, which is: If your neighbor is hungry give him food instead of sending him on a wild-goose chase of a job.

Author: Prytulak, Walter

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1420894773
Language: English
Pages: 292

Additional information

Weight 0.7 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 5 × 0.66 in


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