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Working Inter-Culturally in Counselling Settings



What does it mean to work inter-culturally?
Our multi-cultural society is changing the parameters of counselling. Working Inter-Culturally in Counselling Settings explores how racial issues can be recognised and worked within a practical, clinical setting. The book looks at how the counselling setting can influence practice, and the book includes chapters in a range of settings, including:
* counselling training and supervision
* social work
* the probation service and prisons
* setting up counselling services in culturally diverse communities.
Aisha Dupont-Joshua, together with contributors of diverse cultural heritage, moves away from exclusive white models of thought, and adopts more of a world view, inclusive of cultural difference. Working Inter-Culturally in Counselling Settings will be invaluable for counsellors, trainers, supervisors and other mental health professionals.

Editor: Dupont-Joshua, Aisha

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 415227496
Language: English
Pages: 254