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You Are Not Crazy: Letters from Your Therapist



People today live in psychological bubbles. They think that they are the only ones who experience what they do.

Person after highly intelligent person comes into therapy thinking that there is something terribly wrong with them. They think that they are crazy, yet do not realize that everyone around them is having quite similar experiences.

YOU ARE NOT CRAZY: Letters from Your Therapist ends the psychological isolation. It helps people realize that they are not the only ones who have strange thoughts or behave inconsistently.
Psychotherapist David Klow brings deep insight, wisdom, and warmth to this process as he helps readers find new understanding about themselves. Through a series of heartfelt letters to his patients, he relates timeless and impactful information that normalizes life’s struggles.


– Is for those looking to develop insight into themselves

– For anyone who wants to have more satisfying relationships

– For readers who want to eavesdrop on the inner lives of others while perhaps seeing themselves through their struggles

– Uses letters as vehicles for transmitting valuable information and for normalizing the process of therapy

– While confrontational on occasion, the compassion and love from the therapist shine through every time

Author: Klow, David

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1942545959
Language: English
Pages: 218

Additional information

Weight 0.72 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.5 in


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