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You Taught My Feet to Dance: Learning to Follow His Lead



What Happens When God’s Relentless Love Collides With Your Deepest Human Desperation?

In You Taught My Feet To Dance, author Erica Foster candidly shares her own courageous journey of how she tragically became a husbandless, fatherless, and homeless mother of 5 young children.

There were times when she suffered such unbearable agony and grief that she longed for someone or something to take her pain away. Astoundingly, the more she cried out to God for help and embraced her pain the more His relentless LOVE collided with her deepest human desperation, teaching her in the most beautiful, profound ways how to DANCE upon all her pain and despair.

It didn’t happen all at once. It was a daily choice. The more she chose to accept God’s provision and follow His lead, the more she learned how to live a fearless life of purity and freedom. Even when she would mess up, Jesus would lovingly pick her up and help her get back into the rhythm of life with Him.

You have turned my mourning into dancing.” Psalms 30:11

Through her personal stories, the Bible, and practical lessons, Erica bravely shares the things God taught her so you can learn to DANCE too!

In these pages you will discover:

  • How to live a virtuous life, with true unimaginable freedom and joy.
  • How to be surrounded with God’s presence, so you will receive His unexplainable comfort and never feel lonely again.
  • How to fully accept God’s powerful unconditional love and daily live a fearless life.

Author: Foster, Erica, Foreword by: Oberbrunner, Kary

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 1943526567
Language: English
Pages: 188