Your Anxious Child: How Parents and Teachers Can Relieve Anxiety in Children
A fully-revised and updated new edition of a bestselling book designed to help parents, teachers, and counsellors support young people suffering from anxiety.
- Offers an array of innovative strategies organized into the authors’ four-step “COPE” program, which has undergone more than 20 years of successful field testing
- Each strategy is accompanied by a set of activities contextualized with full details of the appropriate age level, materials needed, suggested setting, and a template script
- Presents a straightforward account of anxiety, the most prevalent clinical diagnosis in young people, written with a careful balance of scientific evidence and benevolence
- Features a brand new chapter on preschoolers and a companion website that includes instructional MP3 recordings and a wealth of additional resources
Author: Dacey, John S, Author: Mack, Martha D, Author: Fiore, Lisa B
Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 1118974581
Language: English
Pages: 208
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